The Power of Love...Kinyatta E. Gray Honors Her Mom's Legacy at THEARC

Kinyatta E. Gray, in partnership with THEARC in DC, remembered the life and tenure of Beverly E. Carroll on October 21, 2020, during a historic tree planting on the grounds of THEARC. The tree planting was honor delayed and honor well deserved.

Attended by THEARC staff, Beverly’s closest friends and family, love was in the air for Miss Bee.

This entire moment was conceived by Kinyatta, who heard her inner voice tell her to contact THEARC about honoring the life, legacy, and tenure of Miss Bee who was a loved, respected, and honorable employee of THEARC before she became separated in 2015.

Kinyatta’s mom, Beverly, passed away before ever reconnecting with THEARC, which she wanted to do, before deciding to move forward and landing a new position with another company.

Kinyatta made it her life’s mission to permanently reconnect her mother with THEARC in the most honorable way possible — a tree planting.

No one has ever been honored in this manner before at the decade’s old establishment in the heart of SE Washington, DC.

Kinyatta’s efforts represent the power of love from a child to a parent, and THEARC’s actions demonstrate just how much Miss Bee meant to them and the community.

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On October 21, 2020 Kinyatta E. Gray along with the staff of BBAR/THEARC planted a memorial tree in honor of Kinyatta's mom Beverly E. Carroll in SE Washingt...