Kinyatta E. Gray Becomes A Member of For(bes) The Culture

Listen — I’m sharing this achievement with you because I want you to know what’s possible. I don’t have 20 degrees behind my name. I certainly applaud everyone that does.

I was born with a certain set of skills, intellect and wisdom that I inherited from both of my parents and I have never been shy to learn from other people.

I don’t care where you are in life. If you clean toilets, you can teach me how to clean mine. I’ve always been like that - never a social, status or an education snob.

So having said this, I absolutely felt that I deserved a seat a this table and to be apart of this community.

I let go of all self-doubt and did the darn thing! I applied!

The application process was not difficult, I’m sure that it was vetted and that I was monitored, and several months later I received the decision. Approved!!!

If you’re not familiar with For(bes) The Culture, here is the description:

The mission of For(bes) The Culture is to create equitable pathways for Black and Brown professionals. We’re a hub for elite leaders of color who are breaking down barriers and impacting culture globally to connect, collaborate and change. For(bes) The Culture provides a platform that fosters professional development, social consciousness, civic engagement, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship through community service projects, social and cultural outings, personal and professional workshops and seminars, mentoring, tutoring and networking.

Don’t ever second guess yourself or think that you are not worry — you absolutely belong in the room and at the table.

I’m that woman that went from Section 8 To CEO!

~ Kinyatta