Kinyatta E. Gray's Top 5 Productivity Life Hacks for 2021 & Beyond...

I'm just like you - I'm thinking about how I can make the rest of my life the best of my life. Of course, those thoughts come hard and fast during the last week of December and the first week of January. 

It becomes even more critical when you are a business owner. Time is limited, and productivity is the key. 

I don't create or share long drawn out lists - let's keep it real.        

However, whatever that I decide takes the time to think about and write down; I commit myself. So be intentional and thoughtful when thinking about how you're going to level up in the new year!

With that in mind, I'm sharing my top 5 productivity life hacks with you. Don't just read this information and delete it - apply it to your life and see if it makes a difference.

  1. Disable all app notifications. Not only are they annoying, but they are also a massive distraction throughout the day.

  2. Plan your social media content for each month. Yeah, I know - it sounds like a lot of thinking and doing, but it's so worth it so that you're posting content that is thoughtful, relevant, and engaging. Tip #3 makes this super easy!

  3. Use software like Hootsuite to automatically post your content for you at scheduled times so that you don't have to! You can check your social media at set times like the VIP you are and respond to all of the love.

  4. Set up and active automatic filtering for your emails so that only what's most important to you hits your inbox and all other content gets filter into folders you can check later.

  5. Use productivity apps like PocketLife Calendar to organize your entire life. Thank God for technology!

Kinyatta E. Gray is an author and the CEO of FlightsInStilettos, LLC.

Instagram: @kinyattagraytheauthor 

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