Look No Further..Your Next Travel Travel Destination Should Be With Yacht Week East Africa!

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If you're anything like me, eager to learn about the next best travel destinations and travel company -- Look No Further! I was uber excited to discover Yacht Week East Africa after observing breathtaking taking photos taken by an avid traveler as he was experiencing his East African yacht adventure. How many of you (right now) are contemplating where you'll travel next? Have you ever considered included sailing on a yacht as an option? Now close your eyes and think about sailing on a yacht in East Africa? Looks amazing, right?

What is it that you want to experience the next time you travel? Is it culture? Entertainment? Exotic location? Amazing landscapes? Pristine beaches and sand? Friendly locals? Fantastic accommodations? Mouthwatering cuisine? Then continue reading...Yacht Week East Africa is a travel company that has something to offer that will satisfy every one of those desires.

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Whether you're an avid traveler or an occasional traveler, most of us dream of traveling to Africa at least once in our lifetime to experience the richness of the culture and to make a connection to the homeland that can only be experienced by traveling there.  And if you're open to it -- I'm pleased to share with you, my interview with Kelsy Horton, Founder, and Host of Yacht Week East Africa, to educate you on what Yacht Week East Africa has to offer. I asked Kelsy several exploratory questions in order to understand more about her company and why you should consider her company and East Africa for your next travel destination.

Exactly, what is Yacht Week East Africa; is this an excursion company or a full travel agency?Yacht Week East Africa is a travel company that combines our passion for sailing with our love for East African culture. It is an Afrocentric alternative to the traditional yachting/sailing companies that hold similar events in Europe.

Where is Yacht Week East Africa based? We have operations in Tanzania/Zanzibar and the Seychelles.

When did you launch this business and who is your ideal consumer? Yacht Week East Africa was launched in 2016. Our ideal consumer is open-minded, adventure-seeking, and most importantly, interested in exploring Africa.

What are some of the travel destinations that you're promoting in East Africa and why should travelers consider this part of the world when planning their next travel destination? Currently, we're promoting the Seychelles with its unparalleled beauty, beautiful beaches, and rich Creole culture. It's also very peaceful and safe. Yacht Week East Africa provides an amazing experience in this unique and exotic location that is off of the beaten path.

Describe what a traveler would experience on a typical trip with Yacht Week East Africa? Is the entire trip at sea on a yacht? Guests from around the world travel to our event to experience two days of cultural and social activities on land before boarding yachts to embark on a seven-day sailing excursion along the beautiful backdrop of East Africa. Guests can travel solo or with a boat crew. There is a Captain that navigates the boat and a Cook that prepares the meals. Drinks, music, and daily activities add to the fun. There is a full itinerary with planned stops during which guests can disembark and explore.

How can travelers learn more about Yacht Week East Africa and book their next vacation?Travelers can visit us at www.yachtweekea.com or email us at info@yachtweekea.com for more information.

What are the dates and locations of upcoming Yacht Week East Africa trips? Travelers can experience Yacht Week East Africa in the Seychelles on any of the following dates in 2019: May 3rd - 12th; June 21st - 30th; August 30th - September 8th; October 11th - 20th.

If travelers are interested in following Yacht Week East Africa via social media, what are your social media handles? IG: @yachtweekea, FB: facebook.com/yachtweekea/



What is the most important thing that you want travelers to know about your company and why should they care about Yacht Week East Africa?Yacht Week East Africa is For Us, By Us, and we Sail for the Culture.



Are you ready to take sail with Yacht Week East Africa? I know that I am! I feel very confident that this will be a memorable experience for anyone that is open to traveling to this exotic destination and experiencing something new, somewhere new. What are you waiting for? Book Now and be on your way to East Africa!

Until next time Yacht Week East Africa....