Ice Ice Iceland! Samantha Accomplished Her "Bucket List" Vacation to Iceland...

Over the last few years,  American travelers, especially Black-Americans have been traveling to Iceland in record numbers to learn more about the culture and to experience the country's largest attractions such as the Blue Lagoon and Northern Lights. Iceland, a Nordic island nation, is defined by its dramatic landscape with volcanoes, geysers, hot springs and lava fields. Reykjavik is the capital city of Iceland with a population of over 350,000 people. Samantha is one of those adventurous travelers that has actually created a "Travel Bucket List". I absolutely love writing blogs about people who accomplish their bucket list goals because they are so much more enthusiastic about sharing their experiences and encouraging others to live life to experience new adventures, build (never to be forgotten) memories and educating yourselves about the world, beyond your local community.



Samantha and I chatted on hot summer day about her trip to Iceland. Below are my questions and her responses to my questions.

Would you consider yourself an avid traveler?Yes, I would absolutely consider myself an avid traveler! I believe in traveling to different places to understand cultures, experience new things internationally or domestically and all within a budget.

What made you decide to travel to Iceland?Visiting the Blue Lagoon has always been one of my desired experiences on my bucket list. The Blue Lagoon, what an experience!! It is an all-time picturesque place in Iceland!

Did you have any concerns traveling to a destination that isn't accustomed to seeing Black-Americans?Did you feel comfortable going about your traveler business in Iceland?I did have concerns about visiting Iceland, but after doing some research, talking to friends and finally meeting the natives it felt so comfortable. The Icelanders are extremely nice and pleasant.



What was the most fascinating thing about your trip to Iceland?I was fascinated by how much African-American culture has influenced the natives. For example, walking around the airport and hearing Drake's new album on replay, at full volume was amazing!

Describe your favorite meal while in Iceland.Iceland is known for its fresh fish...I couldn't leave without having fish and chips!

What's the best piece of advice that you wish you had received prior to traveling to Iceland?I wish I had known more about the value of Icelandic Krona vs the American dollar. Also, the water in Iceland is pure and fresh, totally drinkable... no need to buy bottled water!

So there you have it! Samantha and her friends thoroughly enjoyed the food, culture, attractions and the people of Iceland. If you're interested in learning more about this destination visit: .

To learn more about Samantha Cole, visit her website: .



It was a pleasure speaking with Samantha and learning about her trip to Iceland and her future bucket list destinations!

Until next time Iceland...