Microblading - My Answer For PERFECT Eyebrows



For years I tried to achieve the perfect eyebrows. Some days I'd win and some days I'd lose. Throughout this battle, what was consistent was that I was sick and tired of the work required daily to achieve perfect eyebrows. And leaving the house without perfect eyebrows was never an option. Eyebrows are on a level of their own. Grooming, sculpting and maintaining them is a must - well, if you're like me and care about your appearance. I have tried it all, waxing, threading and plucking. Within the last year, a combo of waxing, plucking and then filling them in with MAC powder or eyebrow pencil was the norm. But like I said, I was getting tired of this routine.  Here's a picture of my eyebrows in their natural state (meaning no makeup enhancement or major sculpting). The following picture shows my eyebrows with partial waxing, plucking and filling in with MAC eyebrow pencil. It must have been a good day since I put my face on full blast with this selfie! LOL.



I decided I was ready for microblading. If you're not familiar with microblading, here's what it is: Microblading, also known by a variety of names such as embroidery, microstroking, feather touch and hair like strokes, is a form of semi-Permanent Makeup that provides a means to partially or fully camouflage missing eyebrow hair with the appearance of simulated hair using fine deposits of cosmetic tattoo pigments.

After watching two close friends achieve near perfect eyebrows through microblading, I decided it was time for me to make a change.  Eyebrows are 90% of your face and hence your selfie -- jacked up eyebrows can really alter an otherwise very beautiful face.



So, after further research, I decided to move forward on my desire to achieve perfect eyebrows.

The day had finally come, and I was completely and understandably nervous. This will be a tattoo on my face and the results could cause my face to look permanently angry or permanently surprised. Or they could come out just perfect!

I arrived 15 mins early for my appointment to get a good sense of who's coming and going and more importantly if they were leaving happy.

I had to fill out forms similar to forms you'd fill out at an initial doctor's appointment. I was looking at the clock and it was almost time for my procedure. Suddenly a super sweet lady called my name, and the moment I had been waiting for was about to happen.

The specialist went over the forms I had completed briefly. Followed by taking a series of "before" pictures. Next, using something similar to a sharpie and other measuring tools -- her artistry began to occur. She pulled her chair up super close in between my legs and informed me she'd be in my personal space. For the next 10 mins, she worked on creating the perfect brow shape - stopping and asking me to check it out. After asking for minor tweaks here and there -- the template was ready, I was about to have perfect eyebrows! Before she began, I asked her how bad it would hurt - she said not that bad, but it takes less than 10 mins per eyebrow. That was somewhat comforting. I laid back on the special bed/table so that she could begin. She gave me a stress ball to squeeze. The process began, and for the first 30 seconds, it was tolerable. And then - either my brain started to process that little blades were cutting into my eyebrow or I began to panic, whatever the case - a few tears streamed down my face, and I squeezed the stress ball.

I knew it was too late to change my mind. Then I started to think that I didn't care - I wanted it to stop. At that moment, eyebrow 1 was complete. It was time for eyebrow 2. I started to think about everything I could to not focus on the procedure.  I started to wonder how I should have saved all of my Fendi from back in the day since it's hot now, and why I can never find cute black leggings...truly random stuff! LOL. I clinched the stress ball again, and then eyebrow 2 was complete. I had to relax for a good 10 mins after the procedure. Then it was time for more pics - this time the "after" pics. Then it was time for me to see my eyebrows and it was love at first sight! I had finally achieved the perfect eyebrows.

The appointment wrapped up by me being provided with aftercare instructions and what I loved most is that the aftercare only involved not getting my brows wet for a week and returning in 4 weeks. Here's my pic one-day after undergoing microblading. I am truly a happy camper! This will last anywhere from 1-3 YEARS!!!



So, if you're trying to decide on this procedure, I hope that you'll find this information helpful.  It was worth it. It will save me time in the morning and frustration.

The cost will run you anywhere between $600-$800.

Please, please do your research, and make sure that you're selecting someone with the experience, training, and credentials required to perform the procedure. Afterall, it is YOUR face!