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What My Mother Means To Me...3 Generations


For Mother's Day, I asked my mother and daughter to share with me, what their mother means to them. I also did some reflecting and included my thoughts on what my mother means to me also. Each narrative was personally written by the responder. Sometimes it's not about a gift, it is about expressing, telling, and demonstrating your love for your mother and being able to articulate just how much she means to you. Happy Mother's Day!

The Matriarch - Ms. Carroll“Sometimes when I look in the mirror and see the ever-increasing tiny brown moles growing on my face, I wonder, “did I get these moles from her? At other times I wonder if I inherited my large almost hazel eyes from her…I really miss my mother…but how do you miss someone that you ‘ve never seen before…never heard her voice before, or smelled her perfume or ate her cooking……before? I’ve lived without knowing who my birth mother is all my life, so actually becoming a mother was an amazing experience for me. God always has a way of making up for what’s missing in our lives. Not only did I become a mother, but God has given me 3 surrogate mothers in my life. One has passed away now some 30 years ago, but the other 2 are still with me and I treasure every moment that I get to spend with them when I can. No one will truly ever take the place of my precious birth mother, whoever she is, or was, but I am very grateful to be a mother, grandmother and Godmother. The one thing I don’t have to wonder about is being loved! God saw to that!!”

~ Ms. Carroll


The Daughter - Mrs. Gray (Ms. Carroll's daughter)"When I think of my mother, I can remember when it was just her and I and she worked caring for other families' children while I was in daycare - this was a necessary sacrifice as she was a single mother intent on keeping me in her care and close by. When I was little I'd go to work with her and experience a little bit of her parenting style -- which was different as she had more resources at work. I remember the tuna melts tasted so much better at her job because her families ate albacore tuna and had better cheese (LOL). As time went on, my mother continued to make sacrifices for me, often catching the bus from Gaithersburg, MD to SE, DC to visit me because she nor I owned a vehicle at the time, but she wanted to see me and spend time with me. I looked forward to those visits. My mother is one of the strongest and most resilient people that I know. I have watched her experience and endure a number of things that would have completely broken the average woman, yet she has persevered and has kept her head high. She has an amazing capacity to forgive. I have seen her hold on to friendships and family members that I would have been cut off and (still will) as I don't have the heart that she does. But I'm hoping that in time - I will. My mother is an excellent listener and has provided an immeasurable number of hours listening to her friends and providing much needed emotional support.  My mother gives 100% to what she chooses to do and what she's asked to do - hence why she's called upon to lead committees and ministries all of the time. My mother is a caring, supportive and doting grandmother to her only grandchildren. I will never have any more children - so these two extensions of me are it! I adore and worship the ground my mother walks on, and both Ju and I are waiting for the magical age to come so that she can stay with us and be spoiled. That's only if she doesn't remarry ( then that will be his job LOL). Once my mother understood me better and hence loved and accepted my spouse, Ju, it was the most pivotal moment in our lives. Her love for me prevailed and her desire to see me live happily ever after -- has resulted in me living happily ever after. I admire everything about her and rely on her wisdom, guidance, and acceptance. My mother means EVERYTHING to me. I love you.

~ Mrs. Gray


The Granddaughter - Ms. Gray (Mrs. Gray's daughter and Ms. Carroll's Granddaughter)"A mother is caring. A mother is gentle. A mother is patient. A mother is the most loving, and the most supportive. A mother always knows best. A mother like mine is everything and more. She’s dedicated, hardworking, independent, beautiful, intelligent, insightful and everything else. It’s an honor being the daughter to someone like her. She listens, she takes care of the house, she provides to every need. She always makes herself available when she’s needed. I love her smile, I love her laughter. I love when she’s happy which is usually all the time. She is all around the perfect woman and far too good of a mother. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve her. I have friends who wish they had a mother like mine. They all can see how great of a mother she is. Those friends also remind me of how grateful I am to have a mother so caring & involved. Sometimes I may take her for granted but I never want her to believe I don’t appreciate her. I literally could not ask for a mother any better. She has done no wrong as my mom. She made sure my brother and I were always straight. She pushed us both to be the best we could be. She pushed us to our potential. If it weren’t for her, I’m sure my brother and I would not have made it this far and we wouldn’t be this successful! Every piece of thanks goes to her & Julie. The best set of parents I could ever ask for.

My mom has always been there for me every step of the way with everything. I know if no one has my back, she does. I aspire to be the type of woman she is and I hope I can be half the mother she is to my future kids one day! I love her sooo much! She’s done nothing but steered her children in the right direction and pushed us forward. And for that, I thank you! Thank you for birthing me!! I’m truly the lucky one. There is not one thing I wish she did, because she has literally done it all. The only thing I can think of is that one time when I was younger and wanted a barbie car. LOL. but I got a real car instead when I became of age. love you, mom!

A queen she is. "

~ Ms. Gray